Children's Choir
The Children’s Choir is a choir for K through 5th graders. The Glad Tidings Children’s Choir has existed for more than 20 years. It has produced great singers and worshipers who to this day are still using their gifting for the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Children’s Choir present a Christmas musical and Spring musical every year. The Children’s Choir incorporates music, drama and dance/movement. Their musicals are always a highlight every year. The Children’s Choir rehearses at 6:15 P.M. on Wednesday in the Fellowship Hall.
Cherub Choir
Cherub Choir is a choir for preschoolers age 3 til they begin Kindergarten. The Psalmist wrote “From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.” Psalm 8:2
The Cherub Choir exists to encourage children to sing songs of praise and teach Biblical truth through music and movement. The Cheurbs present a mini-concert at Christmas and in the Spring.The Cherub Choir meets on Wednesday nights at 6:30 P.M. before our Wednesday night Children’s programs.
For more information about either of our Children’s Choirs, you can contact Pastor Belinda.